Benefit of Creating a Short Link for a File?

Benefit of Creating a Short Link for a File?

The Key Benefit

And here is why you should do it


Digital / Social / Content Marketers: 

Marketing / Sharing a ‘Non-Gated’ File content:

If you are looking to send a non-gated (open) whitepaper, e-book or a presentation but cannot be creating a specific Landing Page every time:

For Social Marketing:

  • Share the Short Link as a Post on Social Channels or Communication Apps

When Users click on the Post, you can take them to a Socxly File Download Landing Page

  • You can now measure how many Users Clicked on the Post & Downloaded the File

  • You can also associate a Social Pixel Code and CTA Banner to take Users further to your Website or specific landing pages


Marketing / Sharing a ‘Gated’ File Content: (coming soon)

  • You can do the same steps as above

  • You can choose our ‘CTA Opt-in Form’ method to get Lead information of Users 

  • You can collect the Name, Email Id and couple of other specific information in the Form

  • When Users enter the Opt-in details and if the Email is valid, the File will be sent by Email 

  • You can also associate Social Pixel Codes & CTA Banner as required



Digital Sales & other Business Teams

Through Emails:

If you are sending ‘Files as attachments in your Emails, then you can hardly track if your contact has downloaded or opened the File.


Through Social Channels:

If you are in Digital Sales & Business team and wish to promote / share a File (Gated or Non-Gated Content) through Messages or InMails on Social Channels or Communication Apps, you can now do it yourself by following the steps above (For Digital / Social / Content Marketers)


Get smart and track all the interactions on the File by your contacts and anonymous users on social media and drive more Impressions, Leads and Conversions.


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