Associate Social Card with a Short Link

Associate Social Card with a Short Link

Social Card is an important Socxly feature to make your Short Link marketable and appealing to Users on Social Media. 

Social Media channels use Open Graph as the Standard to show your Content with Image, Title & Description, although this may vary in some Social channels and the type of content.

The Problem that Socxly Social Card Solves

In many cases, when you Paste/Type a link (long or short) on Social Media Apps

  • Social apps will resolve the Link to show the associated Image in the Link

  • It may also resolve the associated Title & Description in the Link

  • But, when you try to Change the Image after pasting the Link, the New Image loses its association with Link and the Click on the New Image does not take Users to the Link

  • This leads to drop in Traffic and Conversions (Leads / Goals) from the Link

Good solution for ‘Clickable Image’ issues on Social Media

Social Card feature of Socxly allows you to View / Edit the Title, Description & Image (also know as Open Graph info) associated with a Short Link and make it appealing for Posting / Sharing on Social Media.

Open Graph or OG is the standard used by Social Media /  Communication apps to make your link more presentable and appealing to users on these apps.

For Example:

Socxly Short Link Created 

Associated Long URL - 

Social Card in the Short Link -

You can see the Image, Title & Description (called as Social Open Graph OG Info) which constitutes a ‘Social Card’ to Post / Share the Short Link on Social Media Channels & Communication Apps

Read more about how to View / Edit the Social Card of a Short Link

Read more about how to View / Edit the Social Card of a File Upload Short Link

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