The Socxly Smart Features - Make your Short Link into a Smart Link

The Socxly Smart Features - Make your Short Link into a Smart Link

Besides shortening a Long / Original URL, Socxly provides the following ‘Smart Features’ which can be associated with any Socxly Short Link
  CTA (Call to Action) Banner – Insert a Banner with a Redirect URL 
  Social Card – make Short Link with ‘Clickable Images’ & ‘Social Media’ friendly
  Generate QR Code – Use it for Offline / Mobile / Smart Use
  Pixel Code – For Remarketing on Social Media
  Post / Share – Your Short Links with Social Card on Social Media Channels
  UTM Parameter – To measure Traffic to your Sites
  URI parameters – To measure Campaign metrics to your Sites

With Socxly’s URL Shortener & Built-in Smart Features, you can now make your Digital Content:


  • Convert a Long / Original URL or File into a Socxly Short Link for smart campaign or communication
  • Generate QR code for specific use on print marketing, mobile marketing etc.,
  • Associate UTM parameters (to measure website traffic) 
  • Associate URI parameters (to measure your campaign conversion) 
  • Make your Short Link appealing for Social Media (using Social Card or Open Graph OG)
  • Post / Share the Short Link by email or on social media / communication apps


  • Use QR Code on Offline / Mobile Marketing to drive more Users to your Content
  • Allow Users to ‘Download’ the Files associated with the Short Links
  • Associate ‘Socxly Conversion Code’ on the Long URL Landing Pages / Forms 
  • Associate a CTA (Call To Action) Banner to the Short Link 
    • Display your Campaign Banner on the Long URL associated with the Short Link 
    • Attract users to Click on the CTA Banner and redirect them to your Landing Page
    • Associate a Conversion Code to track leads / opt-ins
  • Associate your Brand Pixel Retarget code to the Short Link 
    • Build your Custom Audience on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Quora, Amazon 
    • Increase contextual custom audience list to help your Social Marketing / Paid Advertising 


See how many Users:
  • ‘Clicked’ on a content Short Link or snapped a QR Code 
  • ‘Visited’ your Landing Pages through your Google Analytics account
  • ‘Converted’ into Leads or Opt-ins or Goals on your original Long URL / Landing Page
  • ‘Converted’ (Downloaded) from a File Short Link
  • ‘Viewed’ your CTA Campaign Banners 
  • ‘Clicked’ your CTA Banners and visited your Redirect URLs
  • ‘Closed’ your CTA Campaign Banners
  • ‘Converted’ from your CTA onto your associated landing page
  • ‘Added’ up to your Social Custom Audience through Pixel Codes 

In our future ‘versions’ of Socxly, you will get to see more interesting data about ‘Location’ of the Clicks and more anonymized user action data for every Click on a ‘Socxly Short Link, CTA Banner, CTA Opt-in Form & Pixel Code’
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