How to use Socxly Conversion Code to track Leads?

How to use Socxly Conversion Code to track Leads?

In this Chapter, we cover:

  1. Conversion Types for Short Links, CTA Banners & Organic Campaigns
  2. What is a Conversion Count?
  3. How to Configure Socxly Conversion Code on your Landing Page?

You can use the Socxly Conversion Code provided in the Socxly app under 'Settings - Conversion' to track leads / call to actions / goals set for landing pages of your Short Links or CTA Banners or Organic Campaigns.

Conversions by Short Links for Long / Original URLs:

If you have created a Socxly Short Link for a Long / Original URL which also is the Landing Page for the visitors who click on the Short Link, then use the Conversion code as instructed on the Landing Page to trigger & track your Conversions.

Conversions by CTA Banners:

If you are using a CTA Banner with a Redirect URL as your Landing Page for the visitors who click on the CTA Banner, then use the Conversion code as instructed on the landing page to trigger & track your Conversions.

Conversions by Organic Campaigns:

If you are using a Landing Page URL in Organic Campaign Feature, then use the Socxly Conversion Code as instructed below on the landing page to trigger & track your Campaign Conversions based on the respective Call To Action on the page.

What is considered as a Conversion Count in Socxly?

For Short Link & QR of a Long / Original URL

  1. If the Long / Original URL of a Short Link is your Landing Page, apply Conversion Code on the Landing Page

  2. When a User who clicks on the Short Link or QR and lands on the Long URL page and enters a Lead Form or completes an Action as defined on the Landing Page, the Conversion Count will be measured

For Short Link of a File

  1. Conversion Count is shown when a User ‘Downloads’ a File from a File Short Link
For CTA Banner

  1. If the Redirect URL of a CTA Banner is the Landing Page, apply Conversion Code on the Landing Page
  2. When a User who clicks on the CTA Banner lands on the Redirect URL page and enters a Lead Form or completes an Action as defined on the Landing Page, the Conversion Count will be measured

For Organic Campaign

  1. The Landing Page and subsequent pages of your Campaign should contain the Socxly Conversion Code with necessary Trigger method applied
  2. When a User clicks on a campaign link or post shared by any campaign contact, the User will be redirected to the Landing Page of the Campaign and if the User completes the Call To Action setup on the landing page or subsequent pages, the completion will be triggered as a Conversion by Socxly
  3. Check below to know the difference between Script and Image based Conversion Code and where to use them appropriately

How to Configure Conversion Code on Landing Pages?

Copy the code and follow the instructions to paste in your landing page script to track Conversion of Call To Action / Lead Form set on your Landing Page.

Socxly conversion code helps you to track your conversion with minimal configuration.

Login to your Socxly account. You can copy the conversion script and conversion image from Settings > Conversion tab.

Script-based Conversion Code Configuration:
  1. For script-based configuration, you need to include the Script in the Landing Page or in the Web App Footer template
    - <script src="https://< or your Custom Domain Name>/conversion/track"></script>
  2. Note - If you have a Custom Domain Name for your Short Links - then insert the respective Domain Name in the Script
  3. To trigger conversion, you need to call the triggerSocxlyConversion() method
  4. For Example – if you want to trigger conversion for a Landing Page with a Call To Action Form – you need to run the Form validation and then call the triggerSocxlyConversion() method. Socxly conversion won’t do the Form validation.

Note -
The Script page conversion is recommended if you want to trigger conversion on an Inner Page on your Website

Image-based Conversion Code Configuration:

  1. Conversion will be triggered when the Image element is loaded on a Single page model
  2. You can show the Image when you’re showing the Thank You element on the page

You can load the image in an html <img> element by setting the “src” attribute to https://< or your Custom Domain Name>/conversion/image after a successful conversion trigger. This will load a 1-pixel success image to the image element.

An Example using jQuery is as below:


You will have to add an Image element with id “socxlyConversion” in your html page before loading the image.

Note -

And image-based conversion is recommended if you want to trigger conversion when you’re have a single page application.

Please note – Image based conversion will be triggered when you load the Image – even if it is hidden.

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